Friday, 8 November 2019

THE 5 W'S!

Ello! It Zipporah! 

On Wednesday we had a different teacher and she is very kind. Our Normal teacher had to do some paper work so she had to let another teacher teach us for the day. You know, I never really like it when different teacher teaches me for the day because different schedule at different times is something I'm not use to. Also sometimes I want to finish my work like do whats already started. But this teacher is very nice so I appreciate her time.

We had to do the Who, Why, When, What and Where? Then choose a topic to do the 5 W's.
Here I chose If you could live inside any video game, Which would you? Why? I answered those down below just read. I chose the series of TWD if you guys know what that is but I chose that because it show bravery and support. Even though it can be violent I just mind the part when they be brave. I chose Clementine cause she is very brave towards the things she does.

Anyways this is it! I hope you like it.

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