Wednesday 22 July 2020

Term 3 Cipher Wheels

Kia Ora!!
Welcome back to my blog after a few weeks!

In week 1, My class has been learning about pirates. Well basically this term (term 3) is a pirate themed term. So great... Kind of looking forward to it but anyways, We have been learning about phrases, word and all kinds! But in this post I'm gonna be telling you about Cipher Wheels.

Cipher Wheels are these really creative way to talk to someone or communicate. Which is very cool. So in these past three days we made a cipher wheel and found a way to talk to someone and count. Cipher wheels were made in 1470, by an Italian architect. It was a way that pirates could talk or send letters too.

The ways of using a Cipher is by setting up a letter and a number to be able to unlock the code. And then start communicating with using the letters and checking the number. Then after that then you'll get the message! Simple as that :)

This is what it looks like!

I hope this helps you about the cipher wheels!! Hope you learnt about it!

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